Tradescantia spathacea

Previous name: Rhoeo spathacea

Tradescantia spathacea is often called Rhoeo (Rhoeo spathacea is an earlier name, later recognized as a species of tradescantia). A species characterized by long, smooth leaves. We distinguish between large and smaller forms. The big forms include: green big form and 'Vittata', and dwarf forms - green dwarf form, 'Cream', 'Sitara Gold' and 'Tricolor'. Big forms bloom more often, while dwarf forms - offshoots grow more often. In addition, each cultivar has its own preferences for light and watering.

Green cultivars do not need strong light and are rather resistant to overflow. 'Vittata' - easy to grow, likes a sunny position, but can spend the winter without additional lighting. 'Sitara Gold' is very susceptible to overflow (it is better to dry it than to overflow it), it must have strong light in summer and winter to maintain its beautiful ,,golden'' color (with insufficient light - it becomes light green). The most popular and delicate cultivar - 'Tricolor' is able to overwinter on the windowsill, but this affects its condition and is also very sensitive to overflow.

Tradescantia spathacea and Tradescantia pallida are quite different. But underexposed pallida resembles (especially beginners) underexposed spathcea. The easiest way to distinguish them is by the type of leaf surface. Tradescantia spathacea is completely smooth, while Tradescantia pallida is furry.

Lists of cultivars: