Website about tradescantia!

Welcome to the website dedicated to tradescantias and other plants of the Commelinaceae family. For a long time, there will be updates and bug fixes as we keep learning something new about the tradescantias and getting to know new cultivars.

This website was created mainly for people who are starting their adventure with tradescantias, but not only. Until recently, I myself could not name my first tradescantia. The internet stores had different names and I didn't know which was correct. After a while, I joined Facebook groups about tradescantia. I learned by looking at photos of other, more experienced people, and finally I was able to recognize the most characteristic cultivars myself. At that time, the new Tradescantia fluminensis Quadricolor started to appear in florists, i.e. as you know or not yet, the usual Tradescantia mundula variegated sold under a different name (you can find more information about common names <<here>>). There have been a lot of posts asking if their tradescantias are true 'Quadricolor' and if there is any catalog of all varieties available. And so the idea for this website was born.

There is no one single reliable source of knowledge about tradescantias. There are many websites that give false information (I caught up on it myself). Many things are not certain and only after some time it turns out that the truth is completely different. Therefore, errors may arise (which of course I try to avoid).

If you have any advice or suggestions, feel free to contact me via e-mail or contact form ("Contact" tab on the right).